Please complete the following questions. How much time of your week is spent preparing for each RSS session in Ethos? * 30 minutes or less 31-60 minutes 60-120 minutes 120 minutes N/A Do you find the process for preparing for an RSS session in Ethos: * Easier than in CME Tracker About the same as CME tracker Harder than in CME tracker N/A Do you find having the ability to view enrollments and other data about your course helpful? * Yes No I have not viewed any reports Do you think that you are doing more, about the same, or less work with EthosCE than you did in the past? * More The same Less N/A If you submit your session to the workflow in a timely manner, are you receiving a timely response * Always Most of the time Some of the time Never Have the training and resources provided by the CME Department been helpful to you? * Absolutely Yes Mostly Yes Neither Yes or No Mostly No Absolutely No SMS Text code for attendance and/or credit claim has been well accepted by our learners * To a great extent Somewhat Very little Not at all Please provide any additional information regarding your experience with EthosCE: * Leave this field blank