Original Release Date: 9/14/2023

Expires: 09/30/2024

Credit claim for this activity will end at 11:59 PM 09/30/2024


Overview:  Making the Right Choice: Physician and APP Compliance Education is designed to strengthen understanding of compliance policies and compliance reporting options.

To educate physicians and APPs on important issues, the course features six scenarios addressing topics that include gifts and business gratuities, culture of safety and compliance, sexual harassment, outside professional activities, E/M coding based on time, and practitioner treating family.

Coaching tips and resources are included with each scenario for further education.

The course also provides an opportunity to test understanding of the scenario topic and the correct course of action by posing a question to be answered by the participant at the end of each scenario.

Participants are also required to answer all post-test questions correctly before receiving completion credit.


Target Audience:  Physicians, Advanced Practice Providers, and Residents of the BSWH system.


Objectives: After participating in this activity, the learner should be able to:

•Emphasize the importance of ethical behavior and compliance with policies as well as the importance of patient safety and the role of everyone in “stopping the line” when concerns are identified
•Recognize/support the non-retaliation and non-retribution policy
•Describe Provider and APP responsibilities as they relate to the Medicare Shared Savings Program


For further study:

•Baylor Scott & White Health Code of Conduct and key policies – accessible via hyperlink later in the course and on the Baylor Scott & White Health intranet
Planners/Authors:  This activity was planned, reviewed, edited, and approved for use as the curriculum for the Baylor Scott & White Health organization by:

Jessica Quinn, Chief Compliance Officer

Margaret von Sehrwald, Vice President, Corporate Compliance

John Gaetz, Director Compliance Operations, Service Co Compliance

Vladimir Edmondson, VP Corporate Compliance

Ann Liberator, Director Compliance Operations

Joanna Bennett, Director Billing Reg & Coding Compliance

Alan Jones, MD

John Mercer, MD

Brent Walker; VP CMO - HTPN, Physician Management

Karen Meader, Director Compliance Operations

Alyssa Moore, Director Business Operations




Disclosure of Relevant Financial Relationships:

•This content is not related to products or business lines of an ACCME-defined commercial interest
•There are no relevant financial relationships with ACCME-defined commercial interests for anyone who was in control of the content of this activity.
Commercial Support:  No commercial support was received for this activity.
Method of Participation & Request for CME/MOC Credit:
•Read all instructions and activity information
•Participate in the scenario sessions and their interactive Q&A that offers additional attempts to achieve success and continue through the module
•Complete the post test with 100% accuracy (multiple attempts allowed)
•Post activity, Click on the button to be taken to evaluation and credit claim for the course or follow the link sent in an email from [email protected]  to complete all questions on the evaluation and claim credit.
•For those who wish to claim ABIM MOC, ABS CC or ABP MOC, you will be given the opportunity to agree to having your information transmitted to the appropriate board.  You must agree to this transmission in order to claim MOC credit
This CME activity type is an enduring material.  Physicians who complete the enduring material may claim the full amount of credit designated for the activity, regardless of the amount of time it took the physicians to complete the activity.


Address:  A. Webb Roberts Center for Continuing Medical Education Of Baylor Scott & White Health

                Dallas, Texas 75246

                Phone:  Dallas – 214-820-2317                              Temple – 254-724-7609

                Website:  https://CE.BSWHealth.com


CME: The A. Webb Roberts Center for Continuing Medical Education of Baylor Scott & White Health is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

The A. Webb Roberts Center for Continuing Medical Education of Baylor Scott & White Health, designates this enduring material activity for a maximum of  0.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Meets Texas Requirements for 0.5 Ethics/Professional Responsibility Credit

ABIM MOC: Successful completion of this CME activity, which includes participation in the evaluation component, enables the participant to earn up to 0.5 Medical Knowledge MOC points in the American Board of Internal Medicine’s (ABIM) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. It is the CME activity provider’s responsibility to submit participant completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABIM MOC credit.

ABP MOC:  Successful completion of this CME activity, which includes participation in the evaluation component, enables the learner to earn up to 0.5 MOC points in the American Board of Pediatrics’ (ABP) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. It is the CME activity provider’s responsibility to submit learner completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABP MOC credit.

ABS CC: Successful completion of this CME activity enables the learner to earn credit toward the CME of the American Board of Surgery’s Continuous Certification program. It is the CME activity provider's responsibility to submit learner completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABS credit.