1 Start 2 Complete Welcome to "In Plain Sight: Human Trafficking for Health Care Providers." Please complete the following questions. Age * 18-24 years 25-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-74 years 75 years or older Gender * Male Female Other -- Please specify Gender Other -- Please specify * Healthcare Profession * Registered Nurse Staff Physician Resident Physician Nurse Practitioner Physician Assistant Social Worker Other -- Please specify Healthcare Profession Other -- Please specify * Years of Experience * 0-2 years 2-5 years 5-9 years 10-19 years 20-29 years More than 30 years Current Practice Setting * Emergency Department Inpatient Primary Care Ambulatory Specialty Pediatrics OB/GYN Psychiatry Other -- please specify Current Practice Setting Other -- Please specify * Have you ever completed any previous human trafficking training? * Yes No Not sure How well can you define human trafficking? * Extremely well Moderately well Somewhat well Slightly well Not at all well How confident are you caring for a victim of human trafficking? * Extremely confident Moderately confident Somewhat confident Slightly confident Not confident at all Leave this field blank