Car Seat Safety Demonstration - Grapevine (In-Person Patient Class)
Learning how to use the new car seat is often the last step in preparing for the arrival of a new baby. In the chaos and excitement before the baby is born, this isn't always done well or at all. Car seats often come with lengthy instructions that parents may not read or fully understand, causing many car seats to be used incorrectly. The Southlake Department of Public Safety provides expectant and new parents an opportunity to demonstrate the proper use and installation of a car seat.
  • Pediatric Care
  • In-Person
Cost $0.00
Newborn Care: Grapevine (In-Person Patient Class)
This interactive class is designed to help expectant, new parents, grandparents, or caregivers develop realistic expectations while learning the basics of infant care. Topics will include soothing techniques, guidelines for safe sleep, diapering, car seat safety, feeding, and bathing. Invaluable parenting tips and resources will help build your parenting skills. Registration fee includes partner.
  • Pediatric Care
  • In-Person
Cost $45.00
Maternity Tour: Grapevine (In-Person Patient Tour)
Our interactive Maternity Tour provides expectant families an opportunity to become familiar with all the services we provide on the Labor & Delivery and The New Family Center units. Please be sure to complete a separate registration for all who will attend the tour, including children and grandparents. Pre-registration assistance and practical information for new parents will be available after the tour. Masks will be required in patient care areas.
  • Women's Health
  • In-Person
Cost $0.00
Childbirth - 1 Day: Grapevine (In-Person Patient Class)
This class focuses on preparation for childbirth, emphasizing the experience of labor and birth and the important role of the support person. A variety of comfort measures are taught and practiced in class, including relaxation and breathing techniques. Special Procedures and epidurals are discussed, as well as an overview of cesarean birth, postpartum, and the newborn. Registration fee includes partner.
  • Pediatric Care
  • Women's Health
  • In-Person
Cost $125.00
Childbirth - 3 Day Series: Grapevine (In-Person Patient Class)
This 3-day series, over 3 consecutive weeks, focuses on preparation for childbirth, emphasizing the experience of labor and birth and the important role of the support person. A variety of comfort measures are taught and practiced in class, including relaxation and breathing techniques. Special Procedures and epidurals are discussed, as well as an overview of cesarean birth, postpartum, and the newborn. Registration fee includes support person.
  • Pediatric Care
  • Women's Health
  • In-Person
Cost $125.00
Stop the Bleed Training (In-Person Class) - Grapevine
Learn how to: Identify life-threatening bleeding Use proper techniques to stop bleeding Use a tourniquet Feel confident in a bleeding emergency
  • Health and Wellness
  • In-Person
Cost $0.00
Breastfeeding: Grapevine (In-Person Patient Class)
This class for expectant parents focuses on the joys and common concerns of breastfeeding. Information includes the benefits for mothers and babies, initiating feedings, maintaining a milk supply and other practical considerations. Discussion includes basic breastfeeding knowledge and its importance, latch and positioning, breast care, breast milk storage and breastfeeding lifestyle. Registration fee includes a partner. This class is taught by an IBCLC
  • Pediatric Care
  • Women's Health
  • In-Person
Cost $40.00
In-Person Pumping Class - Grapevine (In-Person Patient Course)
This course is an important planning tool for preparing for breast pump use and maximizing milk expression and storage. We will discuss and provide must- have resources for balancing and maintaining supply, preparing mom and baby and partner and returning to work. The knowledge a mom gains from this class will help with confidence and help establish pumping goals.
  • Pediatric Care
  • Women's Health
  • In-Person
Cost $30.00
Childbirth - 2 Day Series: Grapevine (In-Person Patient Class)
This 2-day series focuses on preparation for childbirth, emphasizing the experience of labor and birth and the important role of the support person. A variety of comfort measures are taught and practiced in class, including relaxation and breathing techniques. Special Procedures and epidurals are discussed, as well as an overview of cesarean birth, postpartum, and the newborn. Registration fee includes partner.
  • Pediatric Care
  • Women's Health
  • In-Person
Cost $125.00
Infant CPR & Safety: Grapevine (In-Person Patient Class)
Our CPR Safety class is designed for anyone responsible for the care and safety of an infant. Come gain CPR skills and safety knowledge to childproof your home and prevent accidents. Each person must register individually for a space in this class.
  • Health and Wellness
  • In-Person
Cost $35.00
