Prepared to Push: Dallas (In-Person Patient Class)

Find ways to create a calm environment, ensure hormonal abundance, release endorphins, and connect with your partner during each phase of labor. Learn positions, relaxation techniques, pressure points, massage techniques, and breathing designed for all stages of labor and delivery & pushing. Learn to identify signs of fetal malposition, prodromal labor, and productive & powerful pushing options.
This class is pay per couple, please only register yourself. One partner is automatically allowed.
- Women's Health
- In-Person
Cost $50.00
Breastfeeding: Dallas (In-Person Patient Class)

The two most important factors in successfully meeting your breastfeeding goals are knowledge and commitment.
- Pediatric Care
- In-Person
Cost $50.00
Newborn Care: Dallas (In-Person Patient Class)

This class is for expecting parents wondering what happens AFTER the baby comes. What's normal? Is baby pooping enough? What to look for? We will cover newborn appearance, bathing, diapering, growth spurts, milestones, safe sleeping & newborn sleep expectations, skin care, calming techniques, circumcision, intact care, and more. We'll also discuss choosing and when to call a pediatrician!
This class is pay per couple, please only register yourself. One partner is automatically allowed to attend.
- Pediatric Care
- In-Person
Cost $50.00
Take10 - Lakeway (In-Person Patient Class)
Take10 stands for “Take 10 minutes to learn compression-only CPR.” It is regular people providing CPR training that is simple, fast and free. Take10 started in order to improve cardiac arrest survival by increasing the number of people able to and willing to act when needed. Survival depends on CPR starting quickly, before 911 responders arrive. Attendees will need to be able to kneel for approximately 5 – 8 minutes.
- Pediatric Care
- In-Person
Cost $0.00
FALLS Fall Prevention - Lakeway (In-Person Patient Class)
FALL (Fall Awareness Lengthens Lives) is an interactive educational program that teaches attendees ways to help prevent falls. The class emphasizes the importance of identifying and decreasing fall hazards, importance of routine exercise, medication that may cause falls, and importance of eye care.
- Health and Wellness
- In-Person
Cost $0.00
Newborn Care/Breastfeeding Combo - Waxahachie (In-Person Patient Class)

This class is designed to help new parents develop realistic expectations while learning the basics of infant care.
Topics will include hands on baby care, breastfeeding techniques, guidelines for safe sleep, soothing techniques, car seat safety and insights.
This interactive class will help expectant parents build confidence with feeding, diapering, bathing a baby and caring for baby.
Couse participants will learn about newborn growth, development and parenting.
This course will provide information and hands on breastfeeding experience.
American Acadamy of Pediatrics guidelines and practices will be shared and explained in this class.
- Pediatric Care
- In-Person
Cost $70.00
Prepared Childbirth - Lakeway (In-Person Patient Class)

This course is perfect for first time parents as well as for those who have already experienced childbirth. It will also provide parents with the information on car seat safety and newborn care. Mother's must be delivering at Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Lakeway. Register expectant mom only. Partner may attend, but do not enroll.
- Pediatric Care
- Women's Health
- In-Person
Cost $30.00
Maternity Tour: Irving (In-Person Patient Tour)
Our In-Person Maternity Tour provides expectant families an opportunity to become familiar with all the services we provide on the Labor & Delivery and The New Family Center units.
Please be sure to complete a separate registration for all who will attend the tour, including children and grandparents.
Pre-registration assistance and practical information for new parents will be available after the tour.
- Pediatric Care
- Women's Health
- In-Person
Cost $0.00
Childbirth Class: Temple (In-Person Patient Class)

This class is 1 day a week for 4 consecutive weeks that focuses on the entire labor, delivery, recovery, and post-partum phases while in the hospital.
First two weeks is focused on pregnancy, labor and procedures
Third week is a facility tour and breastfeeding class. During this week we will start in the south tower at 6:00pm, first floor front lobby… instructor will come and get the class all together
Fourth week is post-partum newborn care
Primary support person encouraged to attend.
- Pediatric Care
- Women's Health
- In-Person
Cost $25.00
Spanish Clase de parto: Temple (clase presencial para pacientes)

Esta clase es de 1 día a la semana durante 4 semanas consecutivas y se enfoca en todas las fases de trabajo de parto, parto, recuperación y posparto mientras está en el hospital.
Las primeras dos semanas se centran en el embarazo, el trabajo de parto y los procedimientos
La tercera semana es un recorrido por las instalaciones y una clase de lactancia materna. Durante esta semana comenzaremos en la torre sur a las 6:00 pm, lobby delantero del primer piso... El instructor vendrá y reunirá a todos los estudiantes de la clase
La cuarta semana es el cuidado del recién nacido después del parto
Se anima a la persona de apoyo principal a asistir.
- Pediatric Care
- Women's Health
- In-Person
Cost $0.00