Expecting twins or more? Take an interactive online class made just for you! This class covers everything you need to know about your unique pregnancy, including what to expect from a vaginal or cesarean birth, breastfeeding more than one baby, and life at home with multiples. Woven throughout the eClass are fun activities to help you learn and engaging video clips that share the real stories of families with multiples. Allow 3 to 5 hours to complete.
Our interactive Maternity Tour provides expectant families an opportunity to become familiar with all the services we provide on the Labor & Delivery and The New Family Center units. Please be sure to complete a separate registration for all who will attend the tour, including children and grandparents. Pre-registration assistance and practical information for new parents will be available after the tour. Masks will be required in patient care areas.
Statistics that show infants and children are most often injured in homes and cars. This can be scary for any new parent. Do you know all the ways you can reduce your child's risk of being hurt from a preventable accident? Learn life-saving information by taking this online safety class! Spanning from infancy to early childhood, this class teaches car safety essentials, safe baby care, childproofing tips, accident prevention in and outside the home, and how to be better prepared for an emergency. Fun, interactive learning activities and instructive video clips help you learn about and apply essential safety guidelines. The class takes about 3 hours to complete.
Expecting a grandchild? This class is for you! While birth and babies haven't changed, what we know about them has. Now you can prepare yourself for your new role from the comfort of home. This interactive online class covers evidence-based changes in birth, breastfeeding, baby care, and infant safety, and it provides ways for new grandparents to offer support and assistance to the new family. Get ready to put the GRAND in grandparenting! The class takes about 2 to 3 hours to complete.
Preparing for fatherhood is no easy task. Men want to support their partners and new babies but often feel lost and unsure about how to do that. This useful, informative, and entertaining class was created for men to help them find their way on this unique journey. With a positive focus on the importance of being involved right from the start, you'll learn how to support your partner through pregnancy and birth, as well as survival tips for those first few sleep-deprived months with a newborn.
Learn about breastfeeding from the comfort of your home. Not every family is able to attend parent education classes in person, while others learn better with a self-study class. This interactive, web-based instruction contains animated illustrations, videos and games to make learning easy and fun. Portal instructions and access code will be sent to you in your confirmation email following registration.
This class focuses on preparation for childbirth, emphasizing the experience of labor and birth and the important role of the support person. A variety of comfort measures are taught and practiced in class, including relaxation and breathing techniques. Special Procedures and epidurals are discussed, as well as an overview of cesarean birth, postpartum, and the newborn. Registration fee includes partner.
Sometimes a planned cesarean is a necessary surgical birth option for a healthy mom and a healthy baby. Becoming informed and prepared will help you gain understanding and help you make good choices. Learn about what to expect during your hospital stay and how to have a good recovery process when you return home. This online class is well worth watching as you get ready for your baby's arrival.
Join our supportive and welcoming virtual community designed specifically for new mothers. This group provides a safe space for mothers who have recently delivered their babies to share experiences, ask questions, and receive guidance on breastfeeding. Led by experienced lactation consultants, our sessions cover a range of topics including: Breastfeeding techniques and positions Managing common breastfeeding challenges Tips for increasing milk supply Balancing breastfeeding with daily life Emotional support and self-care for new mothers
Learn about breastfeeding from the comfort of your home. Not every family is able to attend parent education classes in person, while others learn better with a self-study class. This interactive, web-based instruction contains animated illustrations, videos and games to make learning easy and fun. Portal instructions and access code will be sent to you in your confirmation email following registration.


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