Women Leaders in Medicine

Scroll to the bottom of this page to register for upcoming Women Leaders in Medicine Retreats


You are engaging with an amazing group of women physician leaders and positively impacting the culture of healthcare at BSWH and beyond! Thank you for being part of our important efforts as an organization for the female physician.

Why is this group important? Female physicians have different stressors than male physicians. We're often confused with nurses, dietary or housekeeping; we carry disproportionate household responsibilities; we often care for children and elderly of family; we have higher demands from patients, nurses, medical students and residents; we are given more "undesirable" (non-RVU generating) tasks in divisions; we hold less leadership roles; we have higher burnout rate than male physicians; and the list goes on. .

What are we doing? Through support of leadership and a generous grant from The Physician's Foundation in 2018, we launched a program to support women physicians through twice annual summits, developed mentorship and networking opportunities, equipped women with tools to confidently speak up within the organization and take on leadership roles, collaborated on other leadership development efforts happening within the organization, and several other grassroots efforts. Results from surveys obtained from 2018 to 2020 are being analyzed to gain a deeper understanding of the positive impact WLiM has had on women physicians. While the grant has ended, our efforts are ongoing! We offer a variety of virtual events, online resources and anticipate resuming in-person activities in 2022 (pending the status of the COVID pandemic). 

Individuals at all levels are taking notice, not only within our organization but also on the national stage. The work we are doing is powerful and meaningful.

There's a lot of work yet to be done. Please explore this site for resources, tips and ways to get involved. Don't wait to join the efforts -- dive in and start get involved! We need all of us working together to have an impact!

Jazbeen Ahmad, MD

WLiM Founder: Dawn Sears, MD

Live courses

Title Credit Cost Dates
2025 Women Leaders in Medicine Spring Summit
    • 7.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
      • 1.00 Ethics
    • 7.00 Attendance
      • 1.00 Ethics
$300.00 04/14/2025 - 8:00am to 4:00pm CDT