2024 12th Management of the Complex Hospitalized Patient Venue Evaluation 

Previous Experience:
PoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellent
How would you rate the overall venue experience on a scale of 1 to 5?
Below AverageAverageGood OptionTop Choice
Compared to other conference venues you have experienced, how does Austin Hill Country Family Resort - Hyatt Regency Lost Pines rank?
If you stayed at the Hilton Garden Inn, how would you rate the affordability of the room rates?
Very DifficultDifficultNeutralEasyVery Easy
How easy was it for you to access Hilton Garden Inn for the conference?
Very DissatisfiedDissatisfiedNeutralSatisfiedVery Satisfied
How satisfied were you with the food choices available at Hilton Garden Inn during the conference?
Very UnlikelyUnlikelyNeutralLikelyVery Likely
Based on your experience at the conference, how likely are you to return to this conference next year at the same venue?
Additional Comments: