EXHIBIT REGISTRATION: 2025 Advanced Heart and Lung Disease Symposia

Dallas, TX US
February 8, 2025


Thank you to our conference exhibitors! Exhibitor Acknowledgments

The Advanced Heart and Lung Disease Symposia will feature two educational tracks focused on enhancing participants' knowledge and equipping them with practical strategies for the latest advancements in the diagnosis and management of heart and lung diseases.

The directors and planners for the Advanced Heart Failure Symposium welcome registration and support for sponsor and exhibitors.

The education is designed to increase the participant’s knowledge of current advances in the diagnosis and management of heart and lung diseases. This continuing education activity is intended for hospitalists, cardiologists, internists, general practitioners, physician assistants, nurse practitioners and nurses with an interest in heart and lung diseases.

Symposia Notes:

  • The symposia will be open to all physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, and other interested healthcare providers.
    • We anticipate 250 for participant attendance.
  • Registration is open to all companies interested in exhibiting at this activity. 
  • The exhibit space is separate from the area where the education is being delivered.
  • Exhibit times are 7:00 am – 4:45.

Exhibit Levels:

  • Platinum  - $7000

  • Gold - $5000

  • Silver - $3500

  • Bronze - $2500




Symposium Sponsor listing/logo on printed signage (if sponsorship is in place prior to printingLogo
Premier placement of sponsor name/logo on printed and digital symposium materials (if sponsorship is in place prior to printing)Logo
Sponsor recognition (if sponsorship is in place prior to printing) Acknowledgement of sponsor print flyer


Exhibitor Space: one 6' x 3' draped Booth/TableXXXX
Access to online invitations/brochuresXXXX
Company acknowledgement on sponsorship materials (if sponsorship is in place prior to printing)XX--
Acknowledgement during and intermission slides during breaksLogo
Acknowledgement on conference course materials websiteLogo


Exhibit booths measure 6'x3', equipped with a floor-length drape. Additionally, each booth includes an 8.5"x11" uniform sign displaying the booth number(s) and the exhibitor's name/logo per selected exhibit level. Exhibitors are responsible for supplementary rental equipment, which must comply with the Westin Dallas Downtown Hotel requirements. Any equipment beyond table-top items and standard free-standing signage must be disclosed and approved before executing the exhibitor registration.


The A. Webb Roberts Center for Continuing Medical Education of Baylor Scott & White Health is not liable for injuries resulting from sponsor negligence. Exhibitors assume full responsibility and liability for damages caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct, either by themselves or their agents. In case of guideline violations or facility damage, the responsible party will incur repair costs along with a $500 corrective action fee.


Due to the nature of the exhibitor benefits offered, cancellations will not be accepted.


AWRC adheres to ACCME Standards for Independence in continuing education. Please review standards here.


Exhibitor Sign-up Process

The directors and planners for the 2025 Advanced Heart and Lung Disease Symposia invite our industry supporters to exhibit at this year’s conference.

  • Exhibitor registrations will be accepted on a first come, first serve based on exhibit space capacity. 
  • Additionally, registration is open to all companies interested in exhibiting at the activity. 
  • The exhibit space is separate from the area where the education is being delivered. 
  • Exhibit times are 7:00 AM – 4:45 PM. 
  • Our Federal Tax ID number is 46-3131350.
  • The registration fee includes one six-foot table. 


Visit: https://ce.bswhealth.com/ExhibitReg-2024AdvHeartLungDisease



Sign in to your account.

  • Select "Visitor login" in gray box at the top of this page,
  • Select "VISITOR LOGIN" in right column,
  • Enter Username/Password and click "LOG IN"

Create a New User Profile/Account

Exhibitor Process

  • Access
    • "Begin" in the "Course Summary" block on the right side of this page.
    • OR "Register" tab and then "Begin."
  • Complete Exhibitor Agreement
  • Payment
  • Return to website to complete payment confirmation.
  • CME team approval of application to exhibit.


Special needs:

Please notify CME Department in writing of any special needs/accommodations during registration or at least two weeks prior to conference date by emailing: CE@BSWHealth.org

RETURN TO: 2025 Advanced Heart and Lung Symposia website

Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
02/08/2025 - 7:00am CST
Event ends: 
02/08/2025 - 4:45pm CST


Advanced Heart Failure SymposiumTimePulmonary and Critical Care Symposium
Session 1 Chronic Heart Failure Management
Dr. Tim Gong (Moderator)
 Session 1
Registration and Breakfast7:00Registration, Breakfast and Exhibits
Welcome and Opening Remarks - Dr. Shelley Hall7:50Welcome and Opening Remarks
Size Matters: Obesity in Heart Failure - Dr. Brian Hsi8:00Airway Disease: Biologic therapies for asthma: when and which to choose - Dr. Mark Millard
Cardio-Obstetric Building Clocks - Dr. Jessica Meyer8:25 
Too Much Water in My Kool-Aid: Management of Hyponatremia in Heart Failure - Dr. Melody Sherwood8:50 
 8:45Decoding ILD: Streamlining Diagnosis and Optimizing Management - Dr. Yolanda Mageto
Expert Panel Discussion9:15 
Break and Exhibits9:45Morning Break and Exhibits
Session 2 New Heart Failure Advances
Dr. Melody Sherwood (Moderator)
 Session 2
Titration Frustration: Can We Create a Virtual EASY Button for GDMT - Sandra Carey, NP, PhD10:15Pulmonary Vascular Disease: Pulmonary Hypertension: changes in guidelines and treatment - Dr. Chetan Naik
Is There an App for This? Where We Are in Remote Heart Failure Monitoring - Dr. Farah AlSaffar10:40 
 11:00Transplantation: Lung Transplantation: When to Refer and How Evaluation and Listing Work - Dr. Todd Grazia
Diabetic Cardiomyopathy - Don't Sugarcoat It - Dr. Tim Gong11:05 
Expert Panel Discussion11:30 
Session 3 Device Therapies
Dr. Cesar Guerrero (Moderator)
 Session 3 
The Forgotten Heart Failure Patients: Stage C2D - Shelley Hall1:00Lung Nodule Management in the Robotics Era - Dr. Abhishek Kumar
New Kids on the Block: The Future Pipeline of Heart Failure Devices - Dr. Aasim Afzal1:30 
"Used" Hearts vs Bionic Hearts - Are Durable LVADs Shifting the Paradigm - Dr. Katherine Fetten2:00ECMO: When and How - Dr. Katherine Vandervest
Expert Panel Discussion2:20 
Break and Exhibits2:45Break and Exhibits
Session 4 Cardiogenic Shock
Dr. Shelley Hall (Moderator)
 Session 4
Early Situational Awareness in Cardiogenic Shock: Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose! -  Dr. Jaime Hernandez3:15Advancements and Controversies in ARDS Management in the Post-COVID Era - Dr. Adam Hayek 
Happy Right Happy Life! Strategies to Optimize the Right Ventricle - Dr. Cesar Guerrero Miranda3:45 
 4:00Pulmonary Embolism Response Team - Why & How We Do It - Dr. Mohammed Mogri
Expert Panel Discussion4:15 
Closing Remarks and Adjourn - Dr. Shelley Hall4:45Closing Remarks and Adjourn


The Westin Dallas Galleria
13340 Dallas Parkway
Dallas, TX 75240
United States


Thank you to our conference exhibitors! Exhibitor Acknowledgments



Please login or register for this course.

For exhibit registrants, please click the BEGIN button to return to the registration form or to proceed to the payment or proof of payment upload.

Right to Cancel or Postpone

Baylor Scott & White Health (BSWH) reserves the right to cancel or postpone any course due to unforeseen circumstances. BSWH is not responsible for any related costs, charges, or expenses to participants, including fees assessed by airline, travel or lodging agencies.