Wired for Life - Dallas - Webinar (Online Patient Webinar)
The Dallas electrophysiology department team provides you with the education, guidance, and encouragement you need to live a healthy life with your implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD). Learn from registered nurses and others about living with an ICD through a class specifically designed for you and your loved ones.
Target Audience
Enroll everyone attending ages 18 and older, patient and their guest(s).
- This educational class is for potential and current patients of implantable cardio defibrillator (ICD).
(Email address is required to attend.)
Education includes an opportunity for attendees to ask registered nurses from the electrophysiology department and other guests questions regarding their ICD.
Education includes:
• Cardiac disease • Shock plan |
• Lifestyle changes • Understanding your device |
Zoom - BSWHVH- Dallas * Fort Worth * Waxahachie
Dallas, TX 7522
Nurses, RD, and Chaplain