Grandparent Class - Fort Worth (In-Person Patient Course)

Fort Worth, TX US

Expecting a grandchild? This class is for you! While birth and babies haven't changed, what we know about them has.

This in-person class covers:

  • Evidence-based changes in birth
  • Breastfeeding
  • Baby care
  • Infant safety

It also provides ways for new grandparents to offer support and assistance to the new family. You will learn what's new, refresh what you already know, and feel more comfortable when called upon to help care for your grandchild.

Get ready to take on one of life's most rewarding roles!

Target Audience

One expectant grandparent. (Registration allows up to two grandparents to attend.)

Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Baylor Scott & White All Saints Medical Center - Fort Worth
1400 8th Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76104
United States
Room A8 Conf Room - 8th Floor (Ground Floor off of main entrance.)
Closest Cross Streets 8th Street and Magnolia Street
Public Transportation Yes
Handicap Access Yes



Baylor Scott & White - All Saints Medical Center- Fort Worth

This class is cancelled if Fort Worth ISD schools are closed.

Instructor Varies


Please login or register for this course.


Please login or register for this course.

Please call (469) 800-8850 to enroll, if eligible for a discount.

  • No refunds will be given once the course has been issued
  • For questions, discounts, and cancellations, please call (469) 800-8850